首页> 中文期刊> 《交通标准化》 >液体化工品运输码头职业病危害调查分析




The occupational health management (OHM) at ports being operated for liquid bulk chemicals transport remains in its nascent phase. To grasp an understanding of the occupational health condition of practitioners and professionals working in the port transportation sector, as well as to improve their OHM level, this article treated one Chinese local enterprise's affiliated ports being operated for liquid bulk chemicals transport as the investigated subject, to identify the hazardous elements of the occupational diseases, assess their danger levels, and analyze the factors causing such diseases. The officially promulgated occupational hygienic standards have been referred, and the method combining the site occupational hygiene investigation with the examination of the hazardous elements of occupational diseases in the workplace conducted. The investigation results indicate that whereas the overall occupational health condition of the practitioners and professionals working at the ports is fairly good, the noise level is slightly above the standard. Several staff wear their ear plugs improperly. To improve the OHM level at ports, measures including improving the preventive and protective techniques and strengthening the administrative management are suggested.%液体化工品运输码头职业健康管理尚处于起步阶段,为掌握行业从业人员的职业健康现状,提升从业人员职业健康管理水平,以某企业配套液体化工品运输码头为调查对象,根据国家有关职业卫生标准,采用现场职业卫生学调查与工作场所职业病危害因素检测相结合的方法,识别该码头职业病危害因素,检测危害程度,分析职业病致病因素.调查结果表明,该码头职业健康总体情况基本良好,但噪声指标轻微超标,有个别从业人员耳塞佩戴不正确,建议通过改进防护技术、加强行政管理等手段进一步提升码头职业健康管理水平.



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