首页> 中文期刊>鱼雷技术 >一种基于双圆域的AUV自主导航定位精度计数考核方法




Navigation localization accuracy is an important technical index for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The probability circle assessment method is not easy to make a quick decision when the navigation accuracy is much lower than the accuracy index and the probability circle radius is selected too small, or it is possible to make a wrong decision when the navigation accuracy does not meet the index and the probability circle radius is set too big. To solve this problem, an assessment method using the dual circular area for underwater navigation accuracy is proposed in this paper. By properly adjusting radiuses of the two circular areas based on the principle of risk-sharing between the developer and the user, the proposed method can reduce the impacts of navigation system errors on assessment, and make quick decisions when AUV navigation accuracy is much lower than the navigation index. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.%导航定位精度是自主水下航行器(AUV)一项重要的技术指标.基于概率圆计数考核方法.取概率圆半径较小时,当AUV的导航精度远低于指标时不利于快速做出判定;而取较大时,当AUV导航系统存在较大的系统偏差仍有可能判定为合格.针对上述不足,该文根据AUV的基本轨迹及其航行轨迹测量的特点,提出了一种基于双圆域的AUV导航定位精度计数考核方法,通过研制方和用户方风险共担的原则合理调整2个圆域的半径,不仅可以在AUV实际导航定位精度远低于指标要求情况下进行快速判定,而且有助于降低导航系统的系统误差对考核的影响.仿真验证表明,该方法科学、合理,具有工程应用价值.



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