首页> 中文期刊>时代建筑 >亦城亦乡、非城非乡 田园城市在中国的文化根源与现实启示

亦城亦乡、非城非乡 田园城市在中国的文化根源与现实启示



A happy marriage between town and country was where Ebenezer Howard began to explain how Garden City was distinctive from the other Utopias when he conceived his masterpiece To-Morrow:A Peaceful Path to Real Reform.The ideal was derived from the critique of the evils of the industrial city and the nostalgia for pastoral life.The author argues that there existed a desire for pastoral rural living and a relatively close urban-rural relationship in traditional Chinese culture.Furthermore,because of our society's prolonged agricultural past and the ongoing rapid modernization,the hybrid between town and country, past and now in China are all the more evident than in any other civilization.The author also argues that the'marriage and between town and country'can still be of great value,and it hinges on how we re-evaluate and re-interpret such ideals today,taking account of the Chinese reality.%创造一段美好的城与乡的联姻是霍华德在写作《明日的田园城市》之时的初衷,体现了对工业时代肮脏、拥挤和动荡的大城市的批判和对传统乡村的浪漫怀旧情绪,一种试图缓和尖锐的现代化矛盾的折衷态度。中国传统的城乡关系认知和理想生活模式与田园城市理论有着众多共通之处,并且,因为经历了漫长的农耕文明和短时快速的现代化进程,这种视乡村田园生活为理想生活状态的渴望更为强烈和深入人心。城乡结合作为一种文化特质在今日不乏社会经济和人文价值,如何得到继承和发扬非常值得探讨。间时值得警惕的是这种城乡联姻可能变成怨偶,甚至关系彻底走向破灭。



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