首页> 中文期刊> 《时代建筑》 >建筑师的教育与职业观 汪孝安/钱锋对谈

建筑师的教育与职业观 汪孝安/钱锋对谈



当代中国建筑师中,出生在新中国刚刚成立之后的50年代的这一批人,经历过中国历史上变革最为迅猛的半个世纪。如今,他们已经成为各自领域内的资深专家和学者,从各自角度出发思考并深刻影响着当代中国城市的格局与面貌。在《时代建筑》杂志编辑部的策划、组织下,钱锋和汪孝安分别作为教学育人单位和建设—用人单位的代表,就建筑院校与设计院在建筑教育方面的交流与合作进行探讨,以各自学习、创作及管理经历为建筑学子提供经验。%Abstract Among contemporary Chinese architects, it is the generation born in the 1950s, just after the foundation of the People's Republic of China, who experienced the most drastic five decades of changes in Chinese history. People of this generation grew up in the midst of ruptures between tradition and modernity, gaining firsthand experience of the wax and wane of urban and rural development and weathering the storm of modernist architecture. Today, firmly established in their respective fields, with their ownunique vantage points, they reflect and exert an impact on the configuration and outlook of contemporary Chinese cities. Qian Feng, Professor of Architecture and Vice Dean of College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, and Wang Xiao'an, Principal Architect of East China Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd. and Director of ECADI's Centre of Architectural Creation, are invited to represent both higher education institutions and employers of architecture graduates and discuss the possible exchange and cooperation between higher education institutions of architecture and architectural design institutes in terms of architectural education. They also share with students of architecture their respective experience in studying, creativity and management.



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