首页> 中文期刊>思想战线 >鄂尔泰与雍正对云南改土归流的'君臣对话'——台北故宫博物院所藏朱批奏折选件




台北故宫博物院典藏诸多有关雍正时期在西南地区推行改土归流的奏折档案,这些档案是研究清代土司制度问题不可或缺的重要材料.而当时担任云贵总督的鄂尔泰,被雍正赋予推行改土归流的重责大任,其奏折所述及雍正在奏折上的朱批谕旨,即形成鄂尔泰与雍正对改土归流推行过程的"君臣对话".台北故宫博物院典藏的鄂尔泰在云南推行改土归流的宫中档奏折,不仅可以反映雍正与鄂尔泰的君臣关系,同时也呈现了鄂尔泰及雍正对云南改土归流的推行过程.%Taipei National Palace Museum houses about 500 memorials submitted to the throne by E'ertai, the then governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng. Con-cerned with bureaucratization of native Yunnan chieftains, these memorials provide indispensable mate-rials for the study of the Tusi system in the Qing Dynasty. E'ertai was endowed by Emperor Yongzheng with the important responsibility of bureaucratizing native chieftains. The statements he made in the me-morials and the edicts written by the emperor on the memorials became a dialogue between the emperor and his subject in bureaucratizing the native chieftains. The collection of E'ertai's memorials in Taipei National Palace Museum shows not only the emperor-subject relationship between Yongzheng and E'er-tai but also the history of how Emperor Yongzheng and E'ertai promoted the bureaucratization of native chieftains in Yunnan.



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