首页> 中文期刊>学理论 >当代大学生马克思主义信仰教育路径探析




马克思主义理论是指导社会发展的客观真理,是指导中国革命和建设的科学理论,然而,随着我国改革开放和民主社会的发展,社会各种矛盾也日益凸显出来,一些人对马克思主义信仰动摇,一些错误思潮也传播到学校,对成长中的大学生产生了不良影响,少数辨别能力差、抵抗力弱的大学生,对马克思主义信仰产生了怀疑。大学生的信仰关乎国家的前途和命运,找准加强当代大学生马克思主义信仰教育之路径是当今时代的命题。%Marx theory is the objective truth of the social development, is the guide to the Chinese revolution and construction of scientific theory. However, with the development of our country reforming and opening and democratic society, various social contradictions have become increasingly prominent,Some people shake the belief of Marx,Some wrong thoughts spread to the school which have a bad effect on the growth of College students.some college students whose ethnic discrimination ability is poor andresistance is weak have doubts on Marx's belief. College Students' beliefs have great concern about the country's future and destiny, find ways to strengthen Marx's belief education of contemporary college students is the proposition of the times.



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