首页> 中文期刊> 《理论界》 >基于法学创新人才培养的实践教学模式探索--以刑事法务实训课程为中心




党的十八届四中全会召开以来,中国的法治建设及法学教育都正在面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。为实现法学教育与法律职业的深度契合,就需要在强化传统法学教学效果的同时,最大限度地发挥法学实践教学在创新型法律人才培养方面的优势,从而培养出符合“法治中国”要求的创新型法律人才。本文试从“法治中国”建设与创新型法律人才培养的关联性出发,深入探讨了法学实践教学在创新型人才培养中的重要作用,最后对刑事法律实务教学模式进行了有益探索。%Since The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Chinese law course and education has been faced with various unprecedented challenges and opportunities.It is needed to take a full advantage of law practice instruction in fostering innovative law talents while strengthening the advantage of traditional instruction methods so as to realize a further combination of law education and law career and cultivate an innovative law talents in accordance with “Chines rule of law” requirements.The article, started from the relevance between the course of “Chines rule of law” and fostering of innovative law talents, tries to analyze the importance of law practice instruction in fostering innovative talents and conducts a nutrient research for penal law instruction mode.



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