首页> 中文期刊>技术经济 >成渝经济区城际轨道交通网空间布局合理性分析——基于空间经济学原理




According to the center-local theory and the basic spatial economics principle, this paper sets up a spatial diamond model in which four city circles, namely Chongqing. Chengdu plain ,Chuannan,Chuandongbei, are taken as the support point and the iceberg-type transportation cost is introduced. Then it analyzes the influences of different transport costs on industrial agglomeration. Finally,it explains the rationality of spatial arrangement of inter-city rail transit network in Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone through combining the spatial arrangement of intercity rail transit network with the spatial diamond model. The results show that the spatial arrangement of inter-city rail transit network in Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone helps to reduce the interregional transport costs among city circles,furthermore promote specialized division, industrial agglomeration and integration process in Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone.%根据中心地理论及空间经济学的基本原理,首先通过引入冰山运输成本建立了一个以重庆、川南、川东北、成都平原四个城市圈为支撑点的空间菱形经济模型,然后分析了不同的运输成本对产业集聚的影响,最后将成渝经济区城际轨道交通网的空间布局与城市圈的空间菱形模型相结合,阐释了城际轨道交通网规划的合理性.结果表明,城际轨道交通网的空间布局可降低各城市圈之间的运输成本,从而促进经济区内专业化分工和产业集聚、加快成渝城市群一体化进程.



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