首页> 中文期刊> 《苏盐科技》 >直接稀释法测定人全血中16种元素的不确定度评定




依据体外诊断试剂“样本稀释液”(质谱专用)、“全血多元素校准溶液(质谱法)”等系列产品使用说明书的要求,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪,测试用样本稀释液直接稀释人体全血样本。该方法简便易行、污染小,检测满足精密度和准确度要求。文章对检测过程进行了详细的分析,确定了测定过程中不确定度的主要来源,并对各个不确定度分量进行量化,计算出标准不确定度和扩展不确定度,给出各个分量对总测量不确定度的相对贡献,并对检测结果进行了表述。结果表明,在16个元素各项不确定度分量中,首要不确定影响因素是样本测试重复性测量引入的不确定度。通过对检测过程的不确定度分量的分析,找出影响最大的不确定度分量进行改善,可帮助提高分析人员技术水平和检测结果的质量水平。%On the basis of in vitro diagnostic reagents "sample dilution (" special, "MS) microelements in the calibration solution (mass spectrometry) manual" series of products, using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, test sample dilution dilution of human whole blood samples. The method is simple, less pollution, meet the detection precision and the accuracy requirements. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the detection process, the main sources of uncertainty in the process of determination, and the uncertainty of measurement were analyzed and calculated standard uncertainty and extended uncertainty, given each component of uncertainty relative contribution to total measurement and inspection Test results are described. The results show that in the 16 elements of the uncertainty, the primary uncertain factors is the sample test repeatability of measurement uncertainty. The uncertainty analysis of the components of the detection process, to ifnd out the inlfuence of the biggest uncertainty were improved, can help improve the level of quality of personnel technical level and test results.



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