首页> 中文期刊>特钢技术 >冷却速度对铸造Fe-20Cr-2.5Mo-1Ni铁磁性合金性能的影响




铸造Fe-20Cr-2.5Mo-1Ni合金试样在真空条件下进行1000℃保温1h阻尼化热处理后,分别进行随炉冷却、真空气淬与水淬处理.通过TA Q800动态机械分析仪(DMA)等设备研究了合金在不同冷却速度处理之后的阻尼性能和力学性能变化,并分析冷却速度对合金微观结构、磁畴结构的影响.结果表明,冷却速度的快慢对铸造Fe-20Cr-2.5Mo-1Ni合金晶粒尺寸与相组成没有影响,合金为单相铁素体.然而,随炉冷却的试样中发现尺寸较大的FeCr(σ)析出相,水淬试样σ脆性相较少,冲击性能提高.此外,随炉冷却试样磁畴结构呈细小的针状结构与90°结构,水冷试样磁畴结构为细小的树枝状结构与针状结构.随冷却速度的提高,内应力和磁畴结构发生变化使内耗值降低.%The samples of Fe-20Cr-2.5Mo-1Ni alloy were heat treated by furnace cooling, vacuum gas quenching and water quenching respectively after holding at 1000℃for 1h under vacuum atmosphere. The damping performance, mechanical properties and the effect of different cooling rates on the microstructure and magnetic domain structure of the alloys were investigated by means of TA Q800 dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) etc. The results show that the cooling rate has no effect on the grain size and phase compositin of the Fe-20Cr-2.5Mo-1 Ni cast alloy, and the phase of the alloys is ferrite of single phase . Moreover, large size FeCr (σ ) precipitated phase was observed in the sample cooled in furnace, while the water cooled sample with less σ phase and showed high impact toughness. In addition, the magnetic domain structure of the sample cooled in furnace was needle-like coarse structure and that of the sample cooled in water was small dendritic structure. The internal friction values decreased with the magnetic domain structure change and internal stress.



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