首页> 中文期刊>南洋问题研究 >安全利益视角下族群认同与国家认同的困境--以文莱在加入马来西亚问题上的选择为例




There are both conflict and intergrowth between ethnic identity and national identity. The former will not transform into the latter automatically. In a multi-ethnic country, in order to promote this transformation, cultural variety must be respected, economic balance must be achieved and any deprivational psychology must be eliminated. More impor-tantly, adequate attention must also be paid to how security influences this transforming process. External threats favors it, while internal conflicts are likely to lead to the separation of national identity. In the construction of Malaysia, Brunei’s ini-tial attempt to join it and its final decision not to it both result from the consideration of this particular factor of security.%族群认同与国家认同既有冲突性又有共生性,族群认同不会自动转化为国家认同。在多族群国家,为使族群认同上升为国家认同,除了在尊重多元文化的基础上,解决经济失衡、消除剥夺心理外,还需要重视安全利益在族群认同向国家认同转化中的作用。外部安全威胁有利于族群认同向国家认同的转变,而内部安全威胁则有可能导致国家认同的分裂。在文莱是否加入马来西亚问题上,安全利益产生了重大影响。



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