首页> 中文期刊> 《南方农村 》 >新型农村合作医疗制度满意度及其影响因素--基于梅州的问卷调查分析




本文以广东省梅州市为例,采取问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,基于满意度评价模型及logistic回归模型,分析了新型农村合作医疗制度(新农合)满意度水平及其影响因素。调查结果表明:参合农民整体对梅州市现阶段新农合制度实施效果满意,但这种满意更多是“量”上的满意而非“质”的满意。参合居民对新农合不满意主要表现在定点医疗机构医疗费用高、医疗水平不高,医疗条件不能满足农民的看病和检查需求;医保机构报销比例低、可报销项目窄、报销程序繁杂等。基于此,本文分别从医保机构(政府)视角、定点医疗机构视角及个人视角提出了关于进一步完善社会保障制度的相关政策建议。%This study combined the questionnaire survey and the interview method, which focused on the satisfaction evaluation model and logistic regression model, analyzed the satisfaction level and its influencing factors of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System in Meizhou city of Guangdong Province. The survey results show that the farmers are basically satisifed with the New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System. The unsatisifed part mainly displays in the high cost of medical treatment, low levels of health care techniques, health conditions, low reimbursement ratio, narrow reimbursement program, multifarious reimbursement procedures and so on. Based on the study results, this study provides policy suggestions to perfect the social security system on health care institutions (the government), the ifxed medical institute and the personal perspective.



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