首页> 中文期刊> 《上海城市规划》 >交通拥堵的几个规划致因与规划范式检讨




Transportation congestion alleviation is one of the most important tasks of urban and transportation planning. The paper focuses on the topics of the planning compilation of urban and transportation planning, urban space layout and trafifc volume reduction, the matching between transportation system and urban spatial organization, job-housing balance. The causes of planning to trafifc congestion have been analyzed from the point of criticism. And then one new planning paradigm has been presented with four characteristics different from the old one: from excessive emphasis on GDP to coordination among economy, transportation, ecology; from rule-based plan to model-based plan; from one scenario plan to many scenarios compared plan;from blueprint-based plan to progress-based plan.%缓解交通拥堵一直是城市规划、城市交通规划关注的重要课题。以批判视角从城市规划与交通规划的编制机制、城市空间布局与交通减量、交通系统模式与城市空间组织的匹配性以及对职住平衡理念认识的偏差等方面,深层次分析了交通拥堵等城市病的规划致因,并结合对现有城市规划、城市交通规划范式的反思,提出了规划范式变革的4个转向:由唯经济目标转向协同规划、由原则规划转向模型规划、由单一规划转向情景规划、由蓝图规划转向过程规划。



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