首页> 中文期刊> 《上海城市规划》 >智慧城市建设模式与推进策略研究——以江苏省为例




The new-type urbanization and future-oriented development of smart society put forward new requirements for the planning and construction of smart city, especially in terms of social services, innovation development, and the improvement of urban governance capabilities. Based on analysis of the status quo of China's smart city construction and the existing problems, from the perspective of innovation development, improvement of people's livelihood, industrial convergence, and urban and rural governance, the mode innovation of the construction of smart cities is put forward. Taking Jiangsu Province as a case, this paper analyzes the main contents, directions and features of smart city construction, and then proposes strategies for strengthening top-level design, promoting data resource integration and improving system and mechanism.%新型城镇化以及面向未来的智慧社会发展,对智慧城市的规划建设提出新的要求,尤其是在社会化服务、创新发展、城市治理能力提升方面亟待突破.在分析我国智慧城市建设现状与存在问题的基础上,从创新发展、民生改善、产业融合、城乡治理等角度提出智慧城市建设的模式创新,并以江苏省为案例,分析了智慧城市建设的主要内容与特征,进而提出加强顶层设计、推动数据资源整合、完善体制机制等建设策略.



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