首页> 中文期刊> 《山东体育科技》 >对中国武术社会化传播的重新审视与思考




The socialization spread is the precondition and motivation of inheritance and development of Chinese Wushu.This paper mainly uses the literature material,from the angle of culture,education and sociology,to analyze the problems of the socialization spread of Chinese Wushu.Researches point out that there was "cultural model"transition in the socialization spread of Chinese Wushu due to social change,which brought some changes to inheritance field of the Chinese Wushu;school Wushu education stresses on Wushu skill but ignores Wushu culture;the "alienation"of competitive Wushu made the identity of Chinese Wushu "fuzzy";the exaggeration of film and television media on Wushu caused misunderstanding of Chinese Wushu.Only by emphasizing the education main body"person", creating a good communication environment and making full use of mass media platform,can we really solve the socialization spread problem of Chinese Wushu.%社会化传播是中国武术传承与发展的前提与动力。主要运用文献资料法,从文化学、传播学、教育学、社会学的视角,对中国武术社会化传播的问题进行分析。研究指出:在中国武术社会化传播中存在着社会变迁造成的“文化模式”的转变,导致了中国武术传承场的改变;学校武术教育偏重技术传承,忽视中国武术文化的传播;竞技武术的“异化”,导致中国武术在社会化传播过程中“身份模糊”;影视媒介过分渲染,导致人们对中国武术的“误读”。最后提出,中国武术社会化传播只有采取关注教育主体的“人”;切实营造良好的传播环境;充分借助大众传媒平台等措施,才能真正解决中国武术社会化传播的问题。



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