首页> 中文期刊>山东农业科学 >不同结果部位对栖霞大香水梨果实香气的影响




With bagged and unbagged Qixia Daxiangshui pear as materials , the effect of different fruit setting positions on fruit aroma was studied using solid -phase microextraction(SPME)and gas chromatography -mass spectrometry ( GC-MS) technologies.There were significant differences in the kinds and contents of fruit aroma components between the fruits set in different positions .Under bagged treatment , the most kinds of aroma components ( 35 kinds ) were detected in fruits in the eastern periphery of the tree , and the content as volatiles was the highest as 4 076.01 ng/g.The least kinds of aroma components appeared in the northern pe-riphery of bagged trees , which was 24 .The content of volatiles in fruits setting in inner and bottom of the tree was the lowest as 421.22 ng/g.Under unbagged treatment , 42 kinds of aroma components , which was the most, were detected in fruits setting in the southern peripheral of the tree ,and the content of volatiles was the highest as 10 001 .14 ng/g.The fruits setting in the northern peripheral of unbagged trees had the least kinds and contents of volatiles , which were 24 and 357 .08 ng/g respectively .%以套袋和不套袋栖霞大香水梨为试材,采用固相微萃取( SPME)和气相色谱-质谱联用( GC-MS)技术,研究了不同结果部位对梨果实香气的影响。结果表明,不同结果部位果实香气物质种类和含量存在显著差异,套袋树外围东部果实香气物质种类最多,为35种,含量最高,为4076.01 ng/g,外围北侧香气物质种类最少,为24种,内膛下部果实香气物质含量最低,为421.22 ng/g。不套袋树外围南面的果实香气物质种类最多,为42种,含量最高,为10001.14 ng/g,外围北面果实的香气物质种类最少、含量最低,分别为24种和357.08 ng/g。



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