首页> 中文期刊>求是学刊 >“情感生命”与“心灵自我”--宗白华与邓以蛰书法美学思想之比较




在中国当代美学界有“南宗北邓”之称的美学家宗白华与邓以蛰对书法艺术意境都有精深而独到的理解,前者认为书法艺术意境追求的是一种以情景交融的形象来表征“情感生命”的本体境界,而后者认为书法艺术意境追求的是一种以心手相应的自由来表现“心灵自我”的本体境界。他们这种融通中存乎差异的意境理解在书法艺术的笔画、结体和章法形式中得以鲜明呈现,并从书法美学层面证明了“南宗北邓”之称并非空穴来风,而是名符其实。%ZONG Bai-hua and DENG Yi-zhe with the title of“South ZONG and North DENG”have deep and unique understanding of calligraphy in contemporary aesthetic circle in China. The former believes that the pursuit of the art of calligraphy embodies the ontological realm of“emotional life”with a mixed scene image, while the latter believes that the pursuit expresses the ontological realm of“spiritual self”with a freedom with heart and hand corresponding each other. Their similar while also different understanding is revealed in strokes, style and constitution of calligraphy. This shows the origin of“South ZONG and North DENG”.



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