首页> 中文期刊> 《科学决策》 >空间效应下中国省域间技术创新能力影响因素的实证分析




以专利授予量代表技术创新能力,基于广义空间两阶段最小二乘估计方法,利用空间滞后及空间误差混合回归模型对我国技术创新能力水平的差异进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:省域间技术创新呈现空间依赖性,具有空间效应;大学、大中型企业科研人员以及经费的投入是我国省域间技术创新能力差异的主要影响因素;FDI对技术创新的影响不显著;市场竞争程度激烈的地区更容易产生技术创新。据此,对增强各地区以专利数量衡量的创新能力,提出了相关的政策和建议。%Based on the generalized spatial two-stage least squares method,the empirical research of influence factors of the technological innovation ability represented by the number of the grant patents is carried out by using the Spatial Autoregressive Model with Autoregressive Disturbances Model. The results show that there exists a spatial effect of the technological innovation,and the input level and capability of R&D of the large and medium-sized enterprises and universities have significant influence on regional technological innovation ability while the FDI has no significant in-fluence. At the same time the competiveness has significant influence on regional technological in-novation ability and the intense level of competition in the region is more prone to technological in-novation. Some policies and suggestions are put forward to improve the innovation ability.



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