首页> 外文会议>International institute of statistics and management engineering symposium >An Empirical Analysis of Financial Incentive Effect Based on Technical Innovation Ability in Corporations

An Empirical Analysis of Financial Incentive Effect Based on Technical Innovation Ability in Corporations




Considering the difficulty of data collection, our data is captured mainly from "China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology" and "China Statistical Yearbook" published from 1995 to 2004; the web of China Science and Technology Statistics, http://www.sts.org.cn; the web of Ministry of Finance PRC, http://www.mof.gov.cn. Then we deal with original data to be dimensionless, and use the method of Pearson Simple Correlation Coefficient by SPSS 13.0 for Windows to calculate the effects of financial incentive factors on firm's technical innovation ability, and take the regression analysis on financial incentive factors. According to the analysis results, we finally construct financial incentive mechanism model based on company technical innovation ability, which may has value about cultivation and sustainable development of technical innovation ability in enterprises.
机译:考虑到数据收集的难度,我们的数据主要来自1995年至2004年的“中国统计年鉴”和“中国统计年鉴”和“中国统计年鉴”;中国科学技术统计数据,http://www.sts.org.cn;中国财政部的网络,http://www.mof.gov.cn。然后,我们处理原始数据的无量纲,并使用SPSS 13.0的Pearson简单相关系数的方法来计算金融激励因素对公司技术创新能力的影响,并参加财务激励因素的回归分析。根据分析结果,我们终于基于公司技术创新能力构建了金融激励机制模型,这可能有关于企业技术创新能力的培养和可持续发展的价值。



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