首页> 中文期刊>科技视界 >文学巨匠:马克·吐温--再读《败坏了哈德勒堡的人》的现实意义




《败坏了哈德勒堡的人》是当代美国作家马克•吐温的代表作之一。作者通过廉洁诚实的哈德勒堡的19位重要人物,从开始的主观地回避一切引诱到后来不择手段去争夺一袋来历不明的金币的故事,揭露批判了19世纪美国社会的金钱崇拜,对资产阶级的虚伪人性进行了辛辣的讽刺,曾几何时,国人没有欲望,因为封闭,于是落后;今天的中国,改革开放,于是进步,于是有了物质的文明;可是精神文明开始缺失,于是滋生了贪污和腐败。本文记下了笔者读完这篇伟大作品后的深刻感受,笔者认为院当今社会贪污腐败现象的滋生和蔓延,其根源就在于贪婪的人性和金钱的诱惑。文章呼吁院让我们抵制诱惑,共建一个公正廉洁的社会主义国家。%“The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg”is one of the representatives of the contemporary American writer Mark Twain,who brings to corruption a so called “most honest and upright town” and “ symbol of incorruptible” in the story. This paper takes a close look at Mark Twain's varied talents in writing, smiling obligingly at his vivid description of the eventual downfall of the small town elite when they, starting from subjectively avoiding all temptations, are lured to grab at a bag of gold unscrupulously by hook or by crook. Realistic significance is attached of probing into the root cause of the breeding and spreading of the corruption and degeneration phenomenons in China and highly recommended rereading the novella for all Chinese government officials.



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