首页> 中文期刊>科技进步与对策 >中美大学科学研究与技术创新关联度的差异分析及启示




Taking high‐ranking universities of China and USA in the Ranking of Research Competitiveness of World‐class Universities as the sample ,the paper analyzes the condition of SCI thesis publication and patent licensing of the sample u‐niversities between 2005 -2013 ,which has shown that from the aspect of the overall situation ,the scientific research strength of the university has some positive correlation with the technical innovation capacity .The university's scientific re‐search plays a forward function to its technical innovation .University ,which performs a high correlation and development of the scientific research and technical innovation ,can produce more influential technical innovation achievement on basis of high level scientific research .Over the past decade ,as for macro‐scale and developing speed ,the scientific research and technological innovation of Chinese universities are better than American ,but in terms of the correlation development of the high level scientific research and technological innovation ,Chinese universities as a w hole are at a low level of develop‐ment ,and there is still a big gap to keep pace with American universities .%以“世界一流大学科研竞争力排行榜”中排列靠前的中美大学为样本,对样本大学2005—2013年SCI论文发表情况和专利授权情况进行整体态势分析。研究表明,大学科学研究实力与技术创新能力之间在宏观上具有一定的正相关关系,大学科学研究对其技术创新具有一定的拉动作用,关联发展水平高的大学能在高水平科学研究基础上产生更具影响力的技术创新成果。近十年来,中国大学的科学研究和技术创新在宏观规模与发展速度方面优于美国大学,但在高水平科学研究和技术创新关联发展方面,中国大学整体处于较低的发展层次,与美国大学相比仍有很大的追赶空间。



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