首页> 中文期刊>科技管理研究 >战略性新兴产业与生产性服务业协同创新研究:演化博弈推演及协同度测度




Based on the evolutionary game theory,differentiating productive service industry as creative and guaranteed model,the theoretical deduction of research and development innovation between strategic emerging industry and creative productive service industry and outsourcing innovation between strategic emerging industry and guaranteed productive serv-ice industry is completed.Based on the statistical data of 2004 -2012 and establishing synergetic degree model of industry innovation system,the measurement and analysis of synergy innovation between strategic emerging industry (traditional manufacturing industry as the contrast)and productive service industry is completed.It is found that increasing the partici-pation in synergy innovation ratio of enterprise is the important way to promote synergy innovation level between strategic e-merging industry and productive service industry;research and development innovation between strategic emerging industry and creative productive service industry has greater simulative effect on promoting synergy innovation level.%通过将生产性服务业区分为创造型和保障型两种类型,并基于演化博弈理论,分别对战略性新兴产业与创造型生产性服务业的研发创新博弈,与保障型生产性服务业的外包创新博弈进行理论推演。通过构建产业创新系统协同度模型,采用2004-2012年的相关统计数据,对战略性新兴产业(以传统制造业为对比)与生产性服务业的协同创新状况进行了测度及分析。结果表明,提高参与协同创新的企业比例是提升战略性新兴产业与生产性服务业协同创新水平的重要途径,战略性新兴产业与创造型生产性服务业所进行的协同研发创新对于提升其协同度水平具有更大的促进作用。



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