首页> 中文期刊> 《科技创新导报》 >旅游景点公示语英译现状分析及对策r—— 以扬州为例

旅游景点公示语英译现状分析及对策r—— 以扬州为例



With the development of our economy,tourism becomes more popular.The public languages are an integral part of the tourist attractions and tourism public language translation is related to the image of a city.But in the tourist attractions of the public language often found in the translation of mistakes.Therefore,this article will be to list the common problems in the English translation of public signs in Yangzhou,to analyze the main reasons of the mistakes in the translation of public signs and put forward the corresponding solution strategy with respect to the quality of translators of public signs,production management, translation etc.%随着我国社会经济的快速发展,外出旅游日渐盛行,公示语是旅游景点不可或缺的部分,旅游公示语的翻译关系到一个城市的形象问题,但在旅游景点公示语的英译中时常发现错误.因此,该文从旅游景点公示语英译的特点出发,列举了扬州地区旅游景点公示语英译存在的常见问题,详细分析了公示语英译错误的主要原因,最后从翻译人员的素质、公示语的制作管理、英译方式等方面系统阐述了规范景点公示语翻译的具体对策.



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