首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >“画瓢不要忘记葫芦”--关于活动单导学案与分层教学关联的几点思考




As an efficient classroom organization model, "work-sheet-guided learning plan"is a systematic project of teaching, in which the teacher transform textbook contents and requirements and relevant teaching resources into feasible, targeted, open and generative activity plans in accordance with teaching objectives. The writer holds that this model, based on the stratified teaching method, can greatly improve students' enthusiasm of participation and enhance the target and effectiveness of teaching through the stratified treatment of the objectives, learning contents and teach-ing evaluation. Another theoretical achievement of stratified teaching in the situation of the new curriculum reform is that is make the teacher transform to the organizer, guider and partici-pator of classroom teaching.%作为一种高效的课堂执行模式,“活动单导学”是教师根据教学目标,把教材的内容和要求以及相关教学资源转化为具有可操作性、目标性、开放性和生成性的活动方案,是一项教学系统工程。笔者认为它是以分层递进教学法为理论基础,通过对活动主体、学习内容以及教学评价的灵活分层处理,让教室变成了学堂,极大地提高了学生参与的热情,增强了教学的针对性和实效性,让老师真正实现了向课堂教学的组织者、引导者和参与者的转变,是分层教学思想在新课改形势下的又一理论成果。



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