首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >学案导学让每个学生成为英语学习的主人




The change of learning styles is a striking feature of the new round of curriculum reform on basic education. In traditional education, the aim is to infiltrate knowledge and the teaching is designed and arranged with the teacher's instruction as the core, and the education process is a repetition of"questioning-expla-nation-consolidation-homework", and from the teaching rela-tion, the teacher occupies a dominant position and students merely passively receive the teacher's arrangement, which result in students' dependence on teachers' teaching, guidance and ex-amples. However, modern learning styles highlight the aim of students' subjectivity and promote students' sustainable develop-ment, and require that the teacher should be transformed to be the helper and promoter of students' autonomous knowledge con-struction and that the teacher should guide students to correctly establish learning objectives and suitable learning strategies, so as to enhance students' initiative and enthusiasm in learning, cultivate students' spirit of active exploration and ability of active learning, and ultimately improve their learning effectiveness and the teacher's teaching effect.%学习方式的转变是新一轮基础教育课程改革的显著特征。传统的教育方式是以灌输知识为目的,以教师的讲授为核心来设计和安排的,教育过程是“提问-讲解-巩固-作业”的重复;从教学关系看是“我讲,你听;我问,你答;我写,你抄;我给,你收”这种刻板的学习方式,使学生处于被动的学习地位,养成了“知识等老师教,思路由老师引,方法仿老师做”的习惯。现代学习方式以弘扬人的主体性为宗旨,以促进人的可持续为目的,它要求知识的传者转变为学生主动建构知识的帮助者、促进者,要求教师引导学生正确树立学习目标和适合自己的学习策略;增强学生学习的主动性和积极性,培养学生的主动探索精神和主动学习能力,最终提高学习效率和教学效果。



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