首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >中学教育管理中对于人本化管理方法的应用




With the continuous deepening of the reform on edu-cation management system, the people-oriented management has become an inevitable way for middle school education manage-ment. How to implement people-oriented education is a focus of the present middle school education. Therefore, it is of great real-istic significance to research the methods of people-oriented ed-ucation management in middle school education management. With middle school teaching management as the breakthrough point, based on summarizing the people-oriented management of middle school education management, this paper focused on the methods of people-oriented management, aiming to highlight the importance of people-oriented management in middle school ed-ucation management and provide references for middle school e-ducation management.%随着教育管理体制改革的不断深入,中学教育管理人本化管理是中学教育管理的必经之路。如何进行中学教育管理人本化管理是当前中学教育关注的焦点。因此,研究中学教育管理人本化管理方法具有十分重要的现实意义。以中学教学管理为切入点,在概述中学教育管理人本化管理的基础上,重点探讨了中学教育管理人本化管理的方法,旨在说明中学教育管理中人本化管理的重要性,以期为中学教育管理提供参考。



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