首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >高等学校学生骨干队伍激励管理研究




高校大学生骨干队伍是高校学生工作中一支不可忽略的力量,他们承担着大学生自我管理、自我教育和自我服务的重要功能,在高校中发挥着宣传向导、组织管理和服务沟通的作用。如何培养和建设一支高素质的高校大学生骨干队伍,以适应新时期大学生思想政治教育工作的实际需要,是当前高校在学生管理工作中必须认真思考和研究的一个重要课题。本文基于差异化激励理论,针对高校学生骨干队伍中存在的问题,探讨根据不同类型学生骨干,因时、因地、因活动采用不同的激励方式,从而有效地促进学生骨干的健康成长、班集体的和谐发展。%The university backbone student team is a significant power in university student work. They shoulder the important functions of university students' self-management, self-education and self-service, and play the role of publicity and guidance, or-ganization and management, service and communication in uni-versities. How to cultivate and construct a high-quality university backbone student team in order to meet the practical demands of university students' ideological and political education in the new period, is an important topic for the current university student management work. Based on the differentiated incentive theory, in view of the problems existing in university backbone student teams, this paper explored the adoption of different incentive methods in accordance with different types of backbone students, as well as different time, places and activities, thus effectively promoting the healthy growth of backbone students and the har-monious development of class collectives.



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