首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >学前教育阶段生命教育课程特性的探究




由于社会不良问题的出现,生命教育问题再次回到人民大众的视野,生命教育课程也逐步引起了教育界相关人士的关注.而作为学校教育以及终身教育的开端,学前教育有义务且有责任设计出与学前儿童最契合的生命教育课程.学前教育阶段的生命教育课程应具有课程目标的针对性、课程内容的契合性、课程实施的开放性及课程评价的内省性这四个特性,旨在对学前儿童实施最有实效的生命教育课程,并为其未来美好的生活打下坚实基础.%The emergence of adverse social problems makes life education return to the public concern and it has gradually aroused the attention of educators. As the beginning of school ed-ucation and lifelong education, preschool education has the obli-gation and responsibility to design the life education course that best comply with preschool children. The objectives of life edu-cation in preschool education should be targeted;the course con-tent should be suitable; the course implementation should be open; the course evaluation should be based on self-reflections. The aim of this paper is to implement the most effective life edu-cation for preschool children and lay a solid foundation for their future life.



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