首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >志存高远以德为先--浅析当代大学生社会主义核心价值观的培育




With the profound changes of the society, the values of contemporary college students also displays a variety of charac-teristics. Many of these characteristics influence the value orien-tation of college students. At the same time, as the builders and successors to the cause of socialism, how contemporary college students set up the correct values is particularly important, as it's about the state and national survival. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the college students' values, in cultivating so-cialist core values, through guiding students to correctly under-stand and deal with the guiding ideology of monism and diversi-fied value orientation of the dialectical relations, the relationship between material pursuit and spiritual sublimation, we can give full play to the subjective initiative of college students, and let them become the pillars just to benefit the society.%随着社会的深刻变革,当代大学生的多种特点影响着其价值取向。同时,作为社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,当代大学生如何树立正确的价值观尤为重要,它关乎国家与民族的生死存亡。因此,根据大学生价值观的特点,在社会主义核心价值观的培育中,通过引导大学生正确认识和处理指导思想一元论和价值取向多元化的辩证关系、物质追求与精神升华的关系,充分发挥大学生的主观能动性,让他们成为有益于社会的栋梁之才。



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