首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >浅析红色歌曲的影响力--以革命老区六安为例




Red songs are exemplary and authoritative songs creat-ed for the struggle led by the Communist Party of China to a new life since the May 4th Movement. They are generally melodious songs with several chapters; their lyrics are popular and easy to understand, systematically reflecting the glorious journey of the Chinese people striving for independence, freedom and democra-cy. Broadly speaking, red songs include progressive songs during the Red Army period, the Anti-Japanese War period, the Libera-tion War period, as well as the socialism construction period and the reform and opening-up period. These red songs play a pivotal role in the CPC's history, and are of profound significance for the modernization process.%红色歌曲是指五四运动以来,配合中国共产党领导的人民斗争和奔向新生活而创作的典范性与权威性的歌曲,曲式多为一部体,歌曲旋律优美,歌词通俗易懂,系统地反映了我国人民争取独立、自由和民主的辉煌历程。广义上讲,红色歌曲包括红军时期的歌曲、抗日战争时期的歌曲和解放战争时期的歌曲,以及社会主义建设时期与改革开放时期的各类进步歌曲。这些红色歌曲在党史上具有十分重要的地位,对现代进程具有深远意义。



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