首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >拓展训练引入到小学体育教学中的应用分析




Centered by experiential learning, expanding training is to inherit and develop traditional sports education. In Western developed countries, expanding training has been popularized in school sports education, and has also been included in systems of national sports curriculum standards. It has become a trend for the internationalized development of school sports and health ed-ucation. Currently, many Chinese schools have applied expand-ing training to sports teaching and have achieved favorable teaching effectiveness. Therefore, this paper deeply explores the application of expanding training to primary schools sports teach-ing, and analyzes the feasibly of the application, hoping to better promote the improvement of primary school sports teaching.%拓展训练主要以开展体验式学习为主是对传统体育教育的继承和发展,在西方发达国家的学校体育教育中已经得到普遍开展,并将其列入到国家体育课程标准体系之中,已经成为一种学校体育与健康教育的国际化发展趋势。目前,我国许多学校都已经在体育教学中开展拓展训练活动,并且取得了良好的教学效益。因此,本文将在深入探讨小学体育教学中的应用拓展训练的积极作用的基础之上,分析小学体育教学引入拓展训练的可行性,以期更好地促进小学体育教学水平的提高。



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