首页> 中文期刊>资源导刊·地球科技版 >河南省灵宝市花木营-对沟航磁异常区特征分析




根据“河南省1∶20万航磁平面图”,在灵宝-卢氏一带,绝大部分异常为磁铁矿引起,只有花木营-对沟一带航磁异常成因未查清。笔者于2011年参与了该区铁矿预查工作,通过地面高精度磁法测量,在预查区内发现磁异常一处,与1∶20万航磁异常基本吻合。通过钻孔验证,在孔深419.34~479.77 m 发现厚约60 m 的磁铁矿石英正长岩-闪长岩岩混合岩层,岩石弱磁性;通过磁测井,未发现井旁和井底盲矿。初步推断,该区的磁异常为矿区深部上述岩浆岩层(脉)引起,并对本次工作进行了总结和分析。%based on 1:200000 Aeromagnetic map of Henan Province, most anomalies are caused by magnetite, but only the reason of anomalies in Huamuying-Duigou is not proved. The author engaged in pre-survey of iron mine in this area, and by ground level magnetic measurement, an anomaly was found, basically identical with 1∶200000 Aeromagnetic map of Henan Province. Through drilling verification, magnetic iron ore quartz-syenite-diorite mixing layers of 60m long are found in 419.34~479.77 m deep. No hidden ore body is found by magnetic logging. This paper infers the anomalies are caused by deep magmatic rock (dyke), and analyzes and summarizes this work.



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