首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >“机器人学”课程教学改革与实践




Robotics is one of the basic courses for undergraduates and graduates majoring in mechanical and electrical engineering.Based on the analysis of the characteristics and present teaching situation of Robotics in Shanghai University,some initial ideas on the reform of the teaching of Robotics was proposed concerning the teaching system,teaching materials and teaching methods.By building the shared robotics experimental platform of teaching and research,increase experimental teaching in the teaching of Robotics.The project teaching approach is proposed to develop students' creative thinking,to train students' experimental skills,and consolidate the basic theoretical knowledge to improve students' ability to apply their knowledge into practice.%“机器人学”课程是面向高等学校机械工程学科机械电子工程专业的本科生和低年级研究生开设的专业基础课.在分析上海大学“机器人学”课程特点和教学现状的基础上,从教学体系、教材内容、实验平台建设、教学方法、课程学习评价等方面提出了“机器人学”课程教学改革的初步设想,探索课程建设与教学改革.通过构建机器人教学和科研共享实验平台,在“机器人学”课程教学中增加实践性教学环节,开展项目教学法,培养学生的创新思维,训练学生实验技能,巩固所学基础理论知识以提高学生学以致用的能力和综合素质.



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