首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >电子线路CAD实验课程设计




In order to help students in the major of biomedical engineering improve the ability of circuit design and simulation based on CAD (Computer Aided Design) software,the course of electronic circuit CAD was conducted.In this course,students were trained to master the schematic tool CAPTURE and circuit simulation tool PSPICE,and a project from the nation college student electronic competitions was set to be the object of the course.Through the course,the students mastered CAPTURE and PSPICE,and their ability of circuit design and simulation was improved much.The project from competitions could enhance the students' interests.So the design of the course is successful and it is deserved to continue and improve.%为了提高以医用电子仪器为专业方向的生物医学工程专业学生使用计算机辅助设计(Computer Aided Design,CAD)软件进行电路设计和仿真的能力,开设电子线路CAD课程,指导学生使用电路图绘制工具CAPTURE进行电路图绘制和元器件制作、使用电路仿真工具PSPICE实现基本的仿真功能和制作仿真元件,并以全国大学生电子设计竞赛试题为题目,对学生进行训练.通过该课程的培养,学生掌握了CAPTURE和PSPICE,电路设计和仿真能力得到了很大的提高;同时由于题目来自竞赛试题,引起了学生较高的学习兴趣;经过竞赛题目训练,学生对CAD软件的理解程度得到大幅度提升.因此,该课程的设计是成功的,不仅提高了学生的电路设计能力和仿真能力,还为后续的专业课程打下良好基础,今后将沿此方向,继续进行改进.



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