首页> 中文期刊> 《教育发展研究》 >高中学生对大学成本和学生资助信息的知晓状况分析——基于对我国西部41个贫困县的调研




高中学生对大学成本和学生资助等相关信息的知晓状况可能会影响到其日后的大学选择和大学生活。调查显示,较大比例的学生普遍存在高估大学学费的倾向;和其他资助方式相比,学生对绿色通道的知晓率非常低。值得注意的是,家庭背景方面的因素和学生是否准确估计学费与知道绿色通道之间具有相关关系。因此,应通过各种努力,争取让高中生拥有比较丰富的大学成本和学生资助等方面的信息,从而让他们在大学选择时更加理性地作出符合其未来发展的决定,同时为其大学生活作好准备。%The senior high school students' perceptions of information about college costs and undergraduate student financial aid may influence their ongoing college choice and college life.Compared with other types of student aid,the rate of perception of green channel is very low;a large proportion of students overestimate the price of college tuition and fees.It should be noted that there is a positive correlation between students' family background and their perception of green channel or college costs estimation.All of us should help senior high school students be well aware of information of undergraduate student financial aid and college costs so that they can rationally make their college choice and sufficiently prepare for their college life.



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