首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道建筑》 >板式无砟轨道离缝病害无损检测方法试验研究




针对目前高速铁路板式无砟轨道离缝病害伤损检测中存在的不足,采用瞬态瑞雷面波法、地震映像法、地质雷达法、冲击回波法4种无损检测方法对CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道等比例模型进行对比试验,分析上述检测方法针对板式无砟轨道离缝检测的适用性与影响因素.试验结果表明,冲击回波法能够通过冲击响应强度与主频来表征介质阻抗差异,适用于板式无砟轨道离缝伤损检测.%Aiming at the problem of no effective and accurate test method for debonding of slab ballastless tracks of the high speed railway,by using four non-destructive test methods such as the transient Rayleigh surface wave, seismic imaging,ground penetrating radar and impact echo,comparative study on equal proportion test model for CRTS Ⅲ slab ballasless tracks was carried out. The applicability and influencing factors of the above test methods for debonding of slab ballastless tracks were analyzed. The experimental results show that the method of impact echo can be used to characterize the dielectric impedance differences by the impact response strength and the main frequency,and it can be applied to detect the debonding of slab ballastless tracks.



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