首页> 中文期刊>齐鲁学刊 >文学地理学视域下的《清真词》解读




北宋词人周邦彦从钱塘一路走来,青年时的漫游、中老年时的仕宦漂泊,足迹所至从江淮流域到黄河流域,呈现出了地理空间的广阔性和丰富性。不同地理空间的山脉水文、社会习俗、文化积淀都会影响和冲击词人的内心世界,激发词人的文学创作欲望,基于地理空间变化的词风转移也就在情理之中。《清真词》中青年漫游时的荆襄词、长安词,九年选人任上的庐州词、溧水词,重返汴京和长安词的创作都展示出文学与地理空间的这种复杂关系。%Abstrct:As a Ci-Poet of the Northern Song Dynasty,Zhou Bangyan came from Qiantang.He went through Jianghuai river basin to the reaches of the Yellow River from his roaming at youth to the careers in his old age,broadly and richly in area. Mountains and rivers,social customs and cultural dePosits in different areas all imPacted and influenced the inner heart and in-sPired the creative desire of literature of the Ci-Poet,so the stylistic transformation of Ci Poetry were unexPected.Jinxiang Ci and Changan Ci written at youth,Luzhou Ci and Lishui Ci written when he was in office as a Xuanren and other works created when he came back to Bianjing and Changan,included in the collection of Qingzhen Ci,all manifested the comPlicated relation-shiP between literature and geograPhy.



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