首页> 中文期刊> 《动物医学进展》 >玉树县牧区中老年人群棘球蚴病流行调查及社会因素分析




In order to understand the echinococcosis prevalence in elderly Tibetan population (more than 40 years old)in Yushu county,Echinococcus infection status was investigated by using specialized serological assay,imaging methods,and epidemiology history of local residents.Totally,169 local Tibetan residents were examined.Serum immunological examination showed 15 positive cases,and the positive rate was 8.9%.Combining with the medical history,14 cases were confirmed as infection with Echinococcus and the infection rate reached 8.3%.The social factors of epidemiology survey indicated that 82.3% of local people owned strong awareness of echinococcosis,but they didn′t understand the cause of this disease and have little knowledge to prevent.Therefore we suggested that the comprehensive measures,including ex-pelling Echinococcus adults from dogs,should be taken to decrease the infection and damage status of peo-ple and livestock,finally to control echinococcosis.%为了解青海省玉树县牧区中老年人群棘球蚴病流行现状,采用棘球蚴病体外快速诊断试剂盒检测、影像学检查和了解发病史的综合诊断方法,对玉树县牧区40岁以上中老年藏族人群共169位牧民进行棘球蚴病检查和流行病学社会因素调查。结果表明,阳性15人,阳性率8.9%;既往病史和本次确诊共有14人感染棘球蚴病,感染率8.3%。流行病学社会因素调查显示,82.3%的牧民知道或听说过人棘球蚴病,也见过牛羊棘球蚴,但缺乏流行病学规律的知识,预防意识淡薄。建议采取以驱除狗棘球绦虫为主的综合防治措施,减轻人、畜棘球蚴病的感染和危害。



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