首页> 中文期刊> 《天文学进展 》 >类星体光度和暗物质晕的统计关系




AGN feedback is an important process in the galaxies forming theory, which is related to the mass of the dark matter halo where the galaxy dwell in and the accretion rate of the black hole in the center of the galaxy. There are two modes of the AGN feedback in the semi analysis model: radio mode and quasar mode. The former mainly takes place in the massive dark matter halos, and the later mainly takes place in the low-mass dark matter halos. We use the largest quasar sample and group catalogs which are all extracted from the SDSS observation to study the relation between the quasars and dark matter halos. The preliminary results show that the bolometric luminosity of quasars is independent of the halo mass which is consistent with the previous results and quasars reside in a broad range of host halos, We further prove that the most luminous quasar do not live in the most massive halo.%活动星系核的能量反馈是星系形成理论模型中的一个重要物理过程,与星系所处的暗物质晕质量、星系中央大质量黑洞吸积率等因素有关。当前的半解析模型预测活动星系核反馈机制主要有两种模式:射电模式和类星体模式,前者主要发生在大质量暗晕中央的大质量星系中,后者主要由较小质量星系并合导致。利用斯隆数字化巡天(SDSS)提供的目前最大的类星体光谱观测样本,结合基于SDSS构建的星系群(团)表,从统计上分析了类星体的热光度和暗晕质量的分布情况。初步分析结果显示,在大质量暗晕中,类星体的热光度和所在暗晕的质量没有相关性,类星体所在暗晕的质量分布很广,进一步证实了高光度的类星体并不存在于大质量的暗晕中。



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