首页> 中文期刊> 《电力与能源》 >我国页岩气开发现状与展望




在当前国际能源供需矛盾日益突出的形势下,页岩气资源勘探开发备受世界瞩目。分析了我国一次能源结构的现状,立足我国页岩气储藏丰富的国情,借鉴美国“页岩气革命”的页岩气开发正反两方面经验,根据我国页岩气发展现状和瓶颈,阐述我国开发利用页岩气的重要意义和发展策略,建议加大页岩气资源的研究力度和勘探投入,形成我国的页岩气资源储备和勘探开发特色技术,并进一步完善我国页岩气市场机制。%The exploitation of shale gas resources has drawn lots of attentions around the world,especially un-der the circumstance of increasing concerns on the long term international energy security.The author analyzes prime energy utilizations in China and investigates the status quo of shale gas exploitation.It is suggested that the ‘shale gas revolution’in the US could provide both positive and negative examples and experiences for de-veloping Chinese shale gas industry.As China has abundant shale gas resources,it urges to increase national funding inputs on both research and exploration activities,which would further assist shale gas technology de-velopment and market regulation improvements in China.Shale gas as a strategic resource is crucial for China’ s economy and society,therefore national development strategies are advised in this paper.



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