首页> 中文期刊> 《解放军药学学报》 >某综合性医院军队门诊患者用药现状与管理对策




Objective This paper aims to analyze the pattern of drug use in the military out-patient clinic in order to direct drug use among out-patients. Methods Records of drug use of the military staff in 2011 was retrieved from HIS system, categorized and analyzed. Results The drug use of the military staff was relatively concentrated. The top 25 types of medicine used made up about 30% of the total expenses, and several of them were health drugs. Each person had medicine prescribed 7.64 times on average per year. An average of 15 types of medicine was involved. The annual cost of medicine was 3323 RMB. However, the number of visits, types of medicine, and amount of medicine expenses for some people were far from reasonable. Conclusion The drug use by military outpatients is generally rational, which can reflect the privileges of military patients. Guidelines need to be formulated to regulate the behavior of drug dealers, doctors and patients.%目的 分析军队患者门诊用药规律,指导门诊用药管理.方法 提取HIS系统中2011年军队患者门诊用药记录,进行分类汇总与分析.结果 军队患者门诊用药比较集中,药品费用前25种占总费用的1/3,且有多个保健性质的品种.单人年平均取药7.64次,平均用药15个品种,年均药品消耗3323元.但个别人员就诊次数、用药品种、药费金额严重偏离合理范围.结论 军队患者门诊用药整体合理,能够体现军队患者享有的政策优势.对于明显不合理的现象,需加大用药安全宣传,通过制度规范药商、医生、患者的医疗行为,并利用信息化的手段加强监管.



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