首页> 中文期刊> 《炼油技术与工程》 >加氢处理装置掺炼FCC柴油面临的问题及对策




福建联合石油化工有限公司加氢处理装置以重质减压蜡油和脱沥青油为主要原料,生产低硫蜡油作为催化裂化装置优质进料.该公司充分利用原有的加氢处理装置将FCC柴油进行改质后,进催化裂化装置生产富含芳烃的汽油组分.因加工FCC柴油,装置出现了反应器入口氢油比低、氢耗上升、循环量不足以及汽油中苯含量上升等问题.对此提出了相应的对策:降低反应器入口床层温度提高反应器入口氢油比;控制换热器铵盐结垢、适当提高脱硫深度以提高循环氢量.%The hydrotreating unit of Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.mainly processed the mixed feed of heavy vacuum gas oil and deasphalted oil to produce low-sulfur gas oil as the feedstock for FCC unit.In Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,the FCC diesel is first upgraded in the existing hydrotreating unit and then sent to the FCC unit to produce gasoline rich in aromatics.The hydrotreating unit experienced the problems of low hydrogen to oil ratio at the inlet of the reactor,raised hydrogen consumption,insufficient recycle and rising benzene in gasoline,etc in processing FCC diesel.Countermeasures have been proposed:the bed temperature of reactor inlet is reduced to raise hydrogen to oil ratio of the reactor inlet,and the severity of desulfurization is appropriately raised to increase the hydrogen recycle based upon whether there is crystallization of ammonium salt.



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