首页> 中文期刊>石油炼制与化工 >模拟常减压蒸馏装置的物性计算方法和模型结构




Property calculation method has great effect on the accuracy of the CDU simulation re-sults,especially for the vacuum column. It is often observed that the simulated flow rate of vacuum resi-due is lower than the test-run data. This paper introduces a relatively more convinced methodology to simulate CDU using Aspen Plus. Based on a set of CDU test-run data,an Equation-Oriented model is built and solved in reconciliation mode on the Aspen Plus V10 Platform. Comparing the different results among the different property methods,the most accurate property method for CDU is presented. Finally the in-fluence of different property methods on the analog computation results of CDU is explained theoretically.%不同物性计算方法对常减压蒸馏装置的模拟,尤其对减压塔模拟的准确性影响较大.实践中常遇到模拟计算的减压渣油流量值低于现场实际数据的情况.采用 Aspen Plus 软件,结合某炼油厂常减压蒸馏装置的标定数据,建立了联立方程法(EO)模型.在数据整定(Reconciliation)模式下,通过选用不同的物性计算方法和建立特殊的减压蒸馏装置模型结构,给出了在Aspen Plus软件中模拟常减压蒸馏装置误差最小的物性计算方法,并从理论上解释了不同物性计算方法对常减压蒸馏装置模拟计算结果的影响.



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