首页> 中文期刊>农药科学与管理 >“药肥组合”对乌药白绢病的防治效果及产量影响研究




为了筛选乌药白绢病防病增产的最佳“药肥组合”,指导大面积防治,选用24%噻呋酰胺悬浮剂等5种杀菌剂以及叶面肥金钾(N10%、P2O515%、K2O30%及微量元素)进行田间药效对比试验.结果表明,30%甲霜·恶霉灵水剂+金钾对乌药白绢病的防效达63.29%,无论是速效性还是持效期均优于其他供试药剂,增产幅度大,增幅达27.53%.%In order to screen out the optimum recipe of fungicide-fertilizer combination to control southern blight of Lindera aggregate,and provide the guidance for the large-scale control of the disease in the field,the efficacy of trifluzamide 24% SC and the other 4 fungicides in combination with foliar-fertilizer gold potassium (10% N,15% P2O5,30% K2O and microelement) were studied and compared.The results indicated that the combination of metalaxyl · hymexazol 30% AS and gold potassium provided the best efficacy of 63.29%,was superior to the other fungicide-fertilizer combinations in both terms of efficiency and persistence,and increased the yield by 27.53%.



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