首页> 中文期刊>海外英语(上) >双语杂志文章标题的模因现象初探--以《英语沙龙》和《疯狂英语》为例




Reading bilingual magazines is one of the important channels of learning English. The primary factor for attracting readers is the headlines of articles in the bilingual magazines. And only attractive titles can arouse reading desires. The vitality of languages as memes lies in large transmitted copies, which become strong memes existing in people ’s daily communications later. And the propagation force of article titles is that they are often combined with strong memes, which draws the attention of the readers. The analysis of domestic authoritative bilingual magazine titles can reveal the basic methods of implanting memes into ti-tles. This can give bilingual magazine editors some enlightenment, and at the meantime, enrich the study of memetics.%双语杂志是学习英语的重要渠道之一,其文章标题是吸引读者的首要因素,只有吸引人的标题才会激起读者阅读杂志内容的欲望。语言作为模因的生命力在于被大量的复制传播,而后变为强势模因存在于人们日常交际当中。而文章标题的强大传播力在于其常常与强势模因结合,做到吸引读者的眼球。对国内权威双语杂志标题进行分析能揭示双语杂志标题植入模因的基本方法,给双语杂志编辑一定的启发,同时也丰富了模因论的研究。



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