首页> 中文期刊> 《油气田地面工程》 >油气田压裂返排液处理技术现状及发展趋势




针对我国压裂返排液逐年增多的现状,分析了压裂返排液特点及其处理难度,概述了美国和我国压裂返排液处理的研究进展和技术应用情况。对比外排、回注、回灌、回用等处置方式的技术难度和处理成本,建议各油气田应根据具体条件选择最合适的处置方式和处理工艺,有回注、回灌条件的油气田可优先选择回注处理工艺,其处理成本最低,只需要降低原油和悬浮物浓度即可(均低于50 mg/L);有回用需求的油气田可选择回用工艺,要求保留有用成分,去除其中影响压裂液黏度的离子;最后的选择是外排处理,其要求指标多,处理成本最高。%The physical chemical features of fracturing flowback fluid and their disposal diffi-culties have been reviewed in this paper, as well as the research and technical application progress in the US and China on account of the increasing amount of fracturing flowback fluid over years. The technical difficulties and disposal cost of three disposal methods, including discharged to environment, re-injection/injection and reuse, have been analyzed in our study.We believe that each oil and gas field should choose the most suitable disposal method and processing technology of fracturing flowback fluid depending on the specific conditions of the field. Our work demonstrated that re-injection/injection should be chose as a preferen-tial disposal way if it allowed, because only the oil and suspended solids concentration have to be lowered (both below 50 mg/L),and the cost is lowest.If reuse way were chose,the useful component of flowback fluid should be reserved, and all ions that affect viscosity of fracturing fluid must be removed. The last way is discharged to environment, it has the highest cost for many targets are demand.



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