首页> 中文期刊> 《油气田地面工程》 >磁分离技术在低含聚污水处理中的应用




In consideration of the difficult of the polymer containing sewage treatment and its complicated process, the magnetic separation technology is carried out in industrialization test. Field test showed that the magnetic separation technology has high removal efficiency in oil and suspended solids, and it is suitable for low polymer sewage treatment. The water quality of the effluent can reach the requirement of "8.3.2", when the inlet water content of oil is less than 50 mg/L and the content of suspended matter is less than 50 mg/L. Under these experimental conditions, the optimal concentration of magnetic separation of the floc-culant and magnetic powder were 120 and 300 mg/L, respectively. Because of its smaller volume, poor performance of anti volatility, suitable for the II stage treatment process, magnetic separation technology should be set before the impact resistance of the pretreatment process.%针对含聚污水处理难度较大,处理工艺复杂的问题,开展了磁分离技术工业化试验。磁分离技术具有较高的除油及除悬浮物效率,适用于低含聚污水处理。在磁分离装置进水含油低于50 mg/L、悬浮物含量低于50 mg/L的情况下,出水水质可以达到“8.3.2”指标要求。在试验条件下,磁分离的絮凝剂及磁粉投加最佳浓度分别为120、300 mg/L,浓度再增加意义不大。由于磁分离设备容积较小,抗波动性能差,仅适用于二级处理工艺,其前应设置抗冲击能力强的预处理工艺。



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