首页> 中文期刊> 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 >基于Cimatron E8.5的汽轮机叶片四轴数控加工工艺研究

基于Cimatron E8.5的汽轮机叶片四轴数控加工工艺研究



The processing technology of a class of T-type steam turbine blade which machined on four-axis NC machine tool was introduced and the NC machining program and simulation process obtained by Cima-tron E8. 5 software was described in detail. Whether along the blade axial cutting or along the blade section line cutting was analyzed as the key. Blade machining experiment was conducted on four-axis nc machine tool. Experiment proved the rationality of selecting the processing technology and the reliability of applying Cimatron E8. 5 software automatic programming and simulation processing, At the same time, the experi-ment showed the reasonable selection of cutting method could significantly improve processing efficiency.%以汽轮机某一级T型叶根叶片为例,主要介绍了叶片的加工工艺设计,详细说明了应用Cima-tron E8.5软件对叶片进行四轴数控加工编程及仿真加工的过程,重点分析探讨了沿轴线往复走刀方式和沿截面线螺旋走刀方式的特点,并在四轴数控机床上进行了叶片加工试验。试验验证了加工工艺设计的合理性以及Cimatron E8.5软件自动编程及仿真加工的可靠性,同时说明了选择合理的走刀方式能够显著提高加工效率。



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