首页> 中文期刊>现代产业经济 >要素市场扭曲与行业全要素生产率增长--基于中国电子信息产业的实证分析




This article constructs the index of sub-factor markets and selects the sub-industry panal data of Telecommunication Equipment industries, which examines the influence on TFP of Telecommunication Equipment industries whether considering the property condition or not. The results show that sub-factor markets distortion has a significant difference in the aspect of impeding industry TFP growth, capital factor market distortion is the most, labor is secondary, technology is the last. Sub-factor markets distortion also has a significant difference between stated departments and foreign departments. capital factor market distortion has more influence on foreign departments TFP as wel as technology factor market distortion, while labor factor market distortion inverts.%文章构建反映细分要素市场扭曲的相关指标,选取中国电子信息产业1996年~2011年的细分行业面板数据,实证考察了细分要素市场扭曲对行业全要素生产率的影响以及不同所有制条件下的差异。研究发现,细分的要素市场扭曲对全要素生产率的抑制程度存在显著差异,资本要素市场的抑制程度最强,其次是劳动要素市场,再次是技术要素市场。细分要素市场扭曲对国有企业和三资企业全要素生产率的影响程度也存在差异,资本要素市场扭曲对三资企业绩效影响更大,劳动要素市场扭曲对国有企业绩效影响更大,技术要素市场扭曲对三资企业绩效影响更大。



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