首页> 中文期刊> 《现代教育管理》 >独立学院法人治理困境的反思——从独立学院法律规定矛盾维度分析




The legal person governance of independent college extsts nonstandardization and formalization, the root problem of which is that the current related laws and regulations is the obscure and contradictory. Although the current law provides independent college is legal entity,we can’t find which types independent college belong to in the existing legal person classification,and legal person governance appear unordered interests game status such as offside, dislocation. Facing this situation, dispelling contradictory regulations of the laws and regulations,and looking for the accurate position of independent college ——profit legal person or non-profit legal person,according to different types of legal person to construe different governance structure,which is the root measure to brake the dilemma of legal person governance of independent college.%  独立学院法人治理存在不规范化、形骸化问题的根源在于现行相关法律法规的模糊性和自相矛盾性。虽然现行法律规定独立学院为法人,但在现有的法人分类中找不到独立学院法人归属类型,以至法人治理出现越位、错位、虚位等利益无序博弈状态。面对此种境况,消解法律法规自相矛盾的规定,并找寻独立学院法人的准确定位——营利性法人或非营利性法人,进而针对不同类型的法人构建不同的治理结构,才是破解独立学院法人治理困境根本所在。



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